Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome to the Age of Technology

Well, I am trying to figure out how to do the blog thing while I am laying here recovering from ACL surgery. I am hoping that this will give me a chance to keep in touch with friends and keep a journal at the same time.

At the end of January I tore my ACL in my right kneee skiing. It has been a long and slow recovery -- I finally had my surgery a week ago. Now, it is just a matter of physical therapy and time. We are going to London & Paris with the kids mid-May and I need to be able to WALK WALK WALK. Unfortunately my plan to run Hood-to-Coast has been couched until another year.

Anyway, I'll see how often I am actually able to post and keep you updated on my kids and Alex as well as myself.

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My Adorable Children

My Adorable Children
Yes--this is an old picture!

Food for Thought -

To a child love is spelled T-I-M-E. *Remember that is the the time we spend with our families is always a good investment -- especially time spent teaching them and learning from them.